Share insights/feedback, ideas and requests related to the FRP Program.
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    S2500ではないユーザフォロー (Visibility of non-S2500 customers to MS sales teams)

    Suggested by Chie Kawaguchi Completed  0 Comments

    Translation provided by FPM Tamami Mitani

    The FRP would like MS account team to know which FRP are engaged with their customers so that they won’t ask non-FRP partners to support their customers.

    It seems there have been cases where MS Sales introduced non-FRP partners to their users who the FRP claimed CPOR for.

    I think the point is we need to raise FRP awareness internally and provide those kind of information with sales team.

    Also we have to recommend the FRP should reach out account team proactively with utilizing contacts information in FTOP.

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    PSD on FRP referral emails

    Suggested by LeeAnne Hughes Rejected  0 Comments

    FRP referral emails are supposed to be a valid, temporary PoE; however, the emails do not contain the required PSD.  Thus, making the referral emails NOT a valid PoE and they get rejected by OCP.  Almost all of our referrals are EDU and sometimes it takes weeks for the PoEs to go through all the proper approval channels (legal, compliance, etc.) before they are signed by the customer.  Since we live by the Golden Rule and start assisting our customers immediately.  We don't make them wait for the red tape, but we often face missing the threshold for incentives b/c of this.  
    How is FRP going to address this?  Will there be a new option?
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    Add Step-up Scenario for XXS to higher Bucket in T&C for FY22

    Suggested by Han Weghorst Rejected  0 Comments


    We have several disputes about having a customer claimed in Bucket size XXS for a POC that is running. At time of claim the AU is over 20%.
    In the current T&C this means a FRP will not be rewarded for supporting the customer achieving milestones in higher bucket sizes after additional licenses were purchased.

    In this scenario the FRP is spending time to support the customer but will not get paid on this. This seems illogical and not fair.

    Would like other FRP experiencing similar issues to like this idea, so MSFT Program Owners can update the T&C to become eligible for the effort spend.
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    Want to add FastTrack benefits (FastTrack の特典対象追加の希望)

    Suggested by Miyuki Narita Rejected  0 Comments

    [Translated] Power BI is currently covered by FastTrack.
    In addition to Power BI, Power Platform
    I want you to add it to the privilege target.
    Best regards.


    現在Power BIが、FastTrackの対象となっています。
    Power BIだけでなく、Power Platfrom を FastTrack の
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    FastTrack Referrals Criteria

    Suggested by Han Weghorst Completed  2 Comments

    We love the focus on referrals for OneDrive for Business, but we received some regular FastTrack Referrals that should be Non Incentive Referrals instead.

    As example: we received a regular referral for a customer in size Extra Small for ODFB. We already deployed SharePoint Online, so there would be no incentive for this left. The customer was asking for file migration to ODFB, but the customer is not eligible for the Migration Benefit.

    We would like to understand why the RFA Gateway is approving such RFA and send this as regular referral. We understand that some areas around RFAs/Non-Incentive RFAs are a little cloudy woul dlike to have documentation that outlines and confirms the conditions that a RFA must meet, in order to be considered as a Request for Assistance, as opposed to a Non-Incentive Referral.

    So two questions:
    1. Are there any other FRP's facing this unclear situation?
    2. Could MSFT share documentation that outlines and confirms the RFA conditions?
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    Identify what payments are for from FTOP and M365 Partner Accelerator Programme

    Suggested by Risual FRP DL Rejected  0 Comments

    When receiving payments from Microsoft from FTOP incentives or the M365 Partner Accelerators, there is no link to engagement ID's and i need to raise a support ticket each time we have a payment. Please can this be sorted to make this much easier? 
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    Add FastTrack Referrals to PartnerCenter co-sell reporting

    Suggested by Han Weghorst Completed  2 Comments

    We would like to propose MSFT adds the FastTrack Referrals and Non Incentive Referrals as co-sell motion in PartnerCenter reporting.
    This would enable the partner to use one source of truth for receiving and handling leads from her partner MSFT.
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    Need some FastTrack deck for Education customers

    Suggested by Gabriel Gordon Rejected  0 Comments

    It would be nice to have some FT decks customized for Education customers, with their jargon, wording, scenarios.
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    Summary & Contact of who submitted RFA

    Suggested by Sean Denton Completed  0 Comments

    I think it would be a great idea to include a summary or a link that takes you to a summary of what the customer is looking to do around the specific workload(s) attached in the RFA. Many times it is the Microsoft AE submitting the RFA on behalf of the customer or being proactive in trying to push adoption of the specified workloads. It would help knowing who submitted the RFA from customer side or Microsoft side, how FastTrack was pitched to the customer (many times it is pitched as hands on and services focused) and what specifically the customer is looking for in regards to guidance around the workload(s).
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    Suggested by Reed Wiedower Rejected  0 Comments

    Now that PowerApps are increasingly being used at customers - we'd love to see them added to the FastTrack benefit - especially for customers just getting started with the Power Platform.
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