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What are recent mandatory requirements to maintain FastTrack Ready Partner

Would it be possible to consolidate mandatory requirements to maintain FastTrack Ready Partner? In T&C the requirements are "scattered throughout the document" - some (to have at least one specialization in MW and/or Security or be part of selected programs) are under FCP requirements, some (performance and success story/insights item) are under Program Criteria and some (to submit a claim via CPOR for at least one new Eligible Customer tenant per month) is under Fasttrack benefit Services... Recently I got information that Customer Success Story and Insights are not mandatory but recomanded. This is also not reflected in T&C.Proposal: separate section in T&C dedicated only to requirements to become/maintain FRP

Tereza Špecinger
0 363 days ago Accepted

Visibility on Fast Track earning potential, account-wise in Partner Center

We used to have visibility on Fast Track earning potential, account-wise on Partner Center per tenant. Would like to have this functionality back, forecasting right now is quite difficult without the same. 

Pranjal Pant
0 364 days ago Completed

CPOR Claim Workloads List

With the updates that have been made to the workload names, it would be helpful to have the workloads listed in Partner Center updated to reflect the current workload names listed in the FastTrack Product and Capability index. Azure Active Directory Premium Conditional Access -> Microsoft Entra ID Premium Conditional Access Insider Risk Manager -> Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Or alternatively, if a guide/document can be created that details what workloads in Partner Center line up with the workloads mentioned in the FastTrack Product and Capability index.

Stephen Brown
0 364 days ago Completed

FRP Partners: ability to self nominate like CSI Security partners

We are both a security CSI partner as an FRP Partner for Modern Work. We are getting tremendous returns as CSI Partner where we are able to self-nominate customers for certain security engagement.Why isn't there something similar for Modern Work to self-nominate clients that are eligible for a W365 or Teams pilot. the current process is cumbersome and is delaying lead time to execution.   

Michiel Gedopt
0 371 days ago Accepted

Automatic Remediation of Endpoint Vulnarability from MDE to Intune

Admins should be given an option to automatically create remediation policies from MDE to Intune.  Currently, the security tasks are initiated in MDE and then later manually carried on by Intune Admins.  It would be great if this is Automated from MDE to MDM. Since Enterprise App Catalog also out, there should also be an option to directly start creating packagers from MDE to Intune without any manual intervention. Cheers,DJ

Dheen Jaabir
0 374 days ago New

Add estimated Finacial earnings in partner Centre.

 Adding estimated earnings in partner center is important for fasttrack ready partners for several reasons. First, it helps partners to track their progress and performance against their goals and expectations. By adding their estimated earnings, partners can see how much they have earned, how much they are eligible to earn, and how much they need to earn to reach the next level of incentives. This can help them to plan their sales and marketing strategies, identify opportunities and challenges, and optimize their cloud business.Second, it helps Microsoft to provide better support and guidance to partners. By adding their estimated earnings, partners can share their feedback and insights with Microsoft on the fasttrack program, the cloud solutions, and the customer needs and preferences. This can help Microsoft to improve the quality and relevance of the fasttrack benefits and resources, tailor the communication and engagement with partners, and address any issues or concerns that partners may have.Third, it helps to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the incentive payments. By adding their estimated earnings, partners can verify that their earnings are correctly calculated and reported, and that they match the actual customer adoption and usage of the cloud solutions. This can help to avoid any discrepancies or disputes that may arise between partners and Microsoft, and to ensure that partners receive their incentives on time and in full.Therefore, adding estimated earnings in partner center is a crucial step for fasttrack ready partners to maximize their benefits and grow their cloud business. It is also a way for partners to demonstrate their commitment and alignment with Microsoft's vision and strategy for the cloud. We encourage all fasttrack ready partners to add their estimated earnings in partner center as soon as possible, and to update them regularly as their business evolves.

Lerato Vilakazi
1 374 days ago Completed

Adding POE Download link in Partner Center CPOR Section

To make sure that the most recent POE is used, in the Partner Center > Incentive | Customer Claim Section, include the POE document direct download link with the latest version of the file.

Ayman Samir
5 375 days ago Completed

Lack of visibility into Benefits available to FastTrack customers

When we claim customers eligible for the FastTrack benefit, we need to fill out a document (SoW), saying what technology we will deliver to this customer, however, as we do not have visibility of the benefits available to the customer, we often make the claim and we later discover that the customer does not have this agreed benefit available. We needed to have a way to research the benefits that the customer has available, so we would be more assertive when offering and engaging the customer to start consuming the technology.

Rogerio Molina
0 376 days ago Needs Votes

MSPartner Portal Performance

We continue to have difficulties accessing information and registering customers on the portal for CPOR actions. The portal is very slow and we are usually unable to add new customers. Furthermore, we are unable to easily access customer consumption information. We have a feeling that Microsoft is no longer using this type of benefit.

Rogerio Molina
0 376 days ago Completed

Lead Quality

We shared with our Fasttrack PDM the issue with FPC Referrals just wanting us to solve their problem and not interested in new projects.  We have not garnered a single new project this year from FPC referrals.   Therefore, the ROI on the FPC Referrals has been poor.  Our FPC PDM asked if we were holding firm with FPC Referrals to the 2-3 hours of free services only.  We do try, but if the customer's issue takes longer than 2-3 hours the customer still expects it will be free regardless of how long it takes.  If we try to charge them, they just complain about us. ASK - We need Microsoft to truly partner with us and help set the boundaries and expectations of what a FPC Referral should expect from a partner - for free.   There is nothing in the original communication from MSFT to the customer to set any time boundary expectations.  Given this is a MSFT program. MSFT should be setting the clear expectations to customers.  

Janet Khar
1 379 days ago Accepted
1 - 10 of 256 ideas (filtered from 256 ideas)